Seit August 2013 begleitet ein*e Studioschreiber*in die Aufführungen im ada Studio.
Vorbild für die* Studioschreiber*in ist die* in einigen deutschen Städten noch immer tätige Stadtschreiber*in, die* in der Regel ein Jahr lang aus ihrer* Perspektive das Geschehen in einer Stadt
beobachtet, beschreibt, analysiert. Was genau uns dazu bewogen hat, eine*n Studioschreiber*in zu engagieren, können Sie hier nachlesen.
Since August 2013, a studio writer has been accompanying the performances at ada Studio.
The model for the studio writer is the city writer still active in some German cities, who usually spends a year observing, describing and analyzing events in a city from their own perspective. You can find out exactly what prompted us to hire a studio writer here.
* The first studio writer was Anna Volkland. She accompanied the 2013/14 season and you can read her texts in the corresponding section 2013/14.
* Thomas Schaupp was the ada studio writer in 2014/15. You can find his texts under 2014/15.
* Johanna Withelm was the ada studio writer for the 2015/16 season. You can find her texts under 2015/16.
* Alexandra Hennig was the ada studio writer for 2016/17. You can find her texts under 2016/17.
* In 2017/18, a tandem was active as studio writers for ada Studio: Alexandra Hennig and Johanna Withelm, both experienced solo studio writers at ada Studio, accompanied the performances at ada Studio in the 2017/18 season. You can find their texts under 2017/18.
* Forough Fami was the ada studio writer for the 2018/19 season. You can find her texts under 2018/19.
* In the 2019/20 season, Johanna Ackva, alternating with Carrie McILwain, accompanied ada Studio as a studio writer. You can find her texts under 2019/20.
* Anuya Rane was the ada studio writer in 2020/21. You can find her texts under 2020/21.
* Sharón Mercado Nogales accompanied the performances at ada Studio in the 2021/22 season. You can find her texts under 2021/22.
* From July 2022 to June 2023, Adèle Aïssi-Guyon was the ada studio writer. You can find her texts under 2022/23.
* Maia Joseph was the ada studio writer for the 2023/24 season. You can find her texts under 2023/24.
* Akiles is writing about the performances at ada Studio from August 2024. You can find his texts under 2024/25.